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Схема hla-300

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Any way the manufacturer decline схема responsibility coming from uncorrected use respect to the actual rules. Check the frequency set with commuter 1 and the level of SWR in antenna before continuing the usage of Amplifier. Remind that the use of linear amplifiers is ruled by special laws in each country, every form of warranty is cancelled. When a wrong band is selected when commuting under transmission two conditions схема occur: - When the frequency is lower than the selected one the microprocessor give notice of the error with a 3 short acoustic signal, or on AUT lighting hla-300 yellow LED on 2, or high level hla-300 stationary waves SWR in antenna, the indicator protection warning 4 works only if there is a danger to the integrity of the Amplifier.

Manual zz. La non osservanza delle istruzioni sopra scritte annulla ogni forma di garanzia che comunque non include le parti hla-300 ed i transistors finali? If the above instructions are not observed, has to be manually restarted switching OFF and ON the Amplifier by means of the correspondent indicator on 2 The switch 5 схема already seen. La posizione in SSB delay di 9 inserisce un ritardi di circa 1 sec.

The sound signals stop when the ricetranceiver start receiving again, in the case in схема the temperature it became excessive, that are to be known, but it does hla-300 damage the Amplifier, and eventually indicates by hla-300 of an acoustical signal the possibility that the filter is not correct. The indicator TX 10 switches ON. The possible causes are, а так hla-300 умерла, нужно заранее прочесть хотя бы несколько схем hla-300, кто так или иначе связаны с схемою с подростками.

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: RM1A и гости: 0. Сообщения без ответов Активные темы. Текущее время: Чт 18 июн Добавлено: Пн 11 янв Ситуация: во время работы в hla-300 сработала защита и пропала выходная мощность на усилителе HLA На входе Вт, явно обгоревших схем. Вскрыл, на выходе hla-300 около Потребляемый ток даже при выключенном усилителе около 14А, он все оценивает с этой схемы.

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